Title: Alakada Reloaded (2017)
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Summary: Following a young girl from a poor family, who as a result of her inferiority complex, engages in the act of making up stories about her financial and social status in order to fit in with the crowd.
Release date: 26 May 2017 (Nigeria)
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Alakada Reloaded is a 2017 Nigerian comedy film by Nigerian actress and filmmaker Toyin Abraham.[1] The film is the third part of the popular Alakada franchise, the former two being Alakada and Alakada 2.[2]
The film depicts a young girl who, having come from a less-privileged family, makes a habit of lying to people about her financial status.
Alakada Reloaded was a huge commercial success in cinemas upon release, and part of the list of highest-grossing Nigerian films, having garnered a domestic gross of up to 70 million naira.[3][circular reference][4][5]