Title: The Contractor 2022
Genre: Action/Thriller
Time duration: 1h 43m
Summary: Involuntarily discharged from the Army, a special forces sergeant lands a contract with a private underground military force. When his very first assignment goes awry, the elite soldier finds himself hunted and on the run, caught in a dangerous conspiracy and fighting to stay alive long enough to get home and uncover the true motives of those who betrayed him.
Director: Tarik Saleh
Screenplay: J. P. Davis
Distributed by: Paramount Pictures Studios, STX Entertainment
Production companies: Ingenious Media, Thunder Road Pictures
Producers: Basil Iwanyk, Erica Li, Erica Lee
Where can I watch the contractor?
The Contractor, a thriller movie starring Chris Pine, Ben Foster, and Gillian Jacobs is available to stream now. Watch it on ROW8, Prime Video, VUDU, Redbox., Vudu Movie & TV Store or Apple TV on your Roku device
You can also download and watch The Contractor on your mobile/desktop device. Simply follow the link below and download directly.
Quality: MKV
Language: English
Subtitle Language: English